Customer Testimonials

“Justin just completed our annual service of our gas furnace and A/C system, everything checked out and he left everything clean, kudos for him putting up with our barking dog!”

– John D.

“Our furnace stopped working on Saturday, we had someone here first thing on Monday and a new furnace by Tuesday afternoon. Really impressed with the responsiveness and helpfulness of everyone we worked with. Everything was really clear and I didn’t feel pressured to go with any certain product, but did feel like I had the information needed to make my own decision.”

– Jacqueline D.

“Austin was great. Will refer anyone I know. Explained everything. Patient even with interfering dogs. Wholly satisfactory and re-upped for next year’s maintenance.”

– Shelley K.

“Justin completed annual maintenance on our furnace and fireplace. He explained what he was doing and completed the work efficiently. And he was very pleasant all the while.”

– Susan W.

“We called on Friday, had a bid by the early afternoon and Brady installed a new tankless water heater on Monday! Customer service is top notch and Brady was a whiz with installation and communication!”

– Randi S.

“Conrad’s service is five times 5 stars!!! Ballard has been keeping me warm for decades. Really appreciated todays service call since furnace was out on a very cold day”

– Kerry K.

Need HVAC Service?

Contact the experts at Ballard Natural Gas.

Call us at 206-784-8101!

Ballard Natural Gas proudly provides HVAC service to Seattle, Shoreline, Edmonds, and the surrounding communities. Visit our service area page for more coverage details, call us at 206-784-8101, or request service online today.