Customer Testimonials

“Thank you Ballard Natural Gas!
Josh did a wonderful job performing maintenance on our furnace. It is now running great and our home is comfortable every day. Thanks!”

– Patrick K.

“Josh arrived at the promised time and he performed maintenance on our 2 furnaces. He was pleasant and thorough – just what you want from a service technician!”

– Nancy D.

“Our furnace was acting up and fortunately we were able to book an appointment just a couple days out. Justin respected COVID protocols, diagnosed the issue quickly and was done before we knew it. Highly recommend!”

– Sarah M.

“Ballard Natural Gas kept me informed via email when the technicial would arrive, and Justin the technician arrived on time and within the window of time the service was scheduled. Justin was very polite, answered the few questions I had and he was extremely knowledgable about the job he was doing and the furnace he conducted the maintenance on. I have used Ballard Natural Gas for many years now, and I highly recommend Ballard Natural Gas. They have been and continue to be an excellent company.”

– Bill H.

“Justin performed our annual gas furnace maintenance yesterday. Over the years he has been here several times and has always been pleasant, efficient and informative.”

– Eric B.

Need HVAC Service?

Contact the experts at Ballard Natural Gas.

Call us at 206-784-8101!

Ballard Natural Gas proudly provides HVAC service to Seattle, Shoreline, Edmonds, and the surrounding communities. Visit our service area page for more coverage details, call us at 206-784-8101, or request service online today.